Saturday, August 15, 2009

Wroclaw youth group

39 teens from Wroclaw completed the outside insulation of three cabins, dug irrigation, jackhammered (or sledgehammered) out more of the main building's old floors, and sanded 6 kajaks. Besides that rapid progress of the work, it was beautiful to see these teenagers having morning devotions all over the camp facility, swimming and kajaking in the afternoons and having campfire and small groups in the evenings. As they built the camp facility for the Kingdom of God, God built into them as well!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Multinternational Team

This multinternational team included 12 American teens from AZ, 13 Irish teens, 16 Polish teens from King's Kids, 1 Germany girl, 1 Taiwanese girl and 3 missionary adults plus 2 missionary kids! English was spoken with lots of different accents and the interaction was "good crack!" These teens worked hard insulating the outside of two more of the cabins, jackhammering up old flooring, and painting rooms.